
The CyberEquality (CE) operates at the national level in the scope of inclusivityWomen are only 20% of cybersecurity workforce. The CE’s goal is to inspire girls towards a multidisciplinary vision of cybersecurity to interpret the challenges imposed by current digital scenarios. Girls have specific skills, like the abilities to problem solving and team building, that can play a key role in cybersecurity professions. The CE introduces a series of important actions at the level of training, mentoring and reorganization of methodologies to cybersecurity training in Olicyber, to improve attractiveness to young girls and help reduce the impact of gender stereotypes. The CE also started the definition of strategies aimed at increasing participation of girls in the CyberChallenge.IT, including mentoring programs for admission and training, establishment of new criteria to retain girls in the admitted teams, awarding schools and universities that will see the highest participation of girls. Finally, the CE aims at analyzing the barriers to girls’ involvement in cybersecurity and the dynamics of dropouts, to formulate an educational offer increasingly suited to the young girls.

Chair: Dajana Cassioli